Apr 24, 2003 15:15
So I woke up this morning and it was all good, noticed the rain and such. Smoked. Talked to Angelina who got back from Vancouver yesterday. Read LJ comments and stuff and chatted a bit with peeps. Nothing too revolutionary. Ate toasted sourdough and drank more tea. Still need to go shopping. There seems to be a 'kafuffle' going on admist people. I don't know what about really, but I can guess. Relax people *takes long, casual toke from hookah and exhales* Relax. The beat daddy is here *spins some beats and lights inscense* Life is too short my peeps...to dwell in negativity *turns on lavalamp* You know, babies..it's all cool if you let it be what it is and roll...*lights mushroom candle* I say to you my babies...can you feel the cosmic energy..can you..yessss...that's right...now feel it when you're upset...see the whole world feels it too...nature,the cosmos...it blackens the heart...be beautiful peeps, be beautiful...*slaps peeps around and shoves all hippie shit back into box and takes off costume*
I downloaded the livejournal client today and fiddled with it to make it work, had to download a .dll file to make it run. Good god, win95 pisses me off. I am using the client called Semagic for the first time with this journal entry. Don't hate, kittens, don't hate.