Quarter of a Century

Aug 13, 2009 14:10

Holy crap I'm 25 today! Wherever does the time go?

Not doing much today. Probably gonna be reading a lot since I've got books due back to the library quite shortly. Recently finished up Dragon in Chains by Daniel Fox, which I found most enjoyable with its complex weaving of intriguing characters and trippy storyline garnished with bits of gore. I suggest reading it if you get a chance. I hope there's a sequel.

My birthday present to myself was a brand spankin' new laptop, which I ended up buying a week earlier then planned since my old laptop was gangraped by viruses. Last Tuesday one secretly snuck in somehow and disabled my McAfee, making it unable to scan, then when I went online, it was like sharks on a wounded seal. I picked up the first, and worst one on FACEBOOK of all places. It's called the Koobface virus. Spent about 12 hours deleting files and registry keys, but it was relentless and always respawned itself. The necessary information to delete it all wasn't available (Google FAIL), and then my dad tried to help, which I already knew would just make things worse and wasn't disappointed. I finally gave up when the desktop wouldn't load, both in normal and Safe mode. I'm hanging onto it since the boy wants to mess with it when he gets back from AIT in a few weeks, but meh. I had 99% of my crap backed up on my external hard drive, so I wasn't in hysterics. Anyway, the laptop was like 6 years old; it had a good run.

So yeah, new laptop. It's awesome. And FAST. Holy crap this beast (aptly named FUDAWG) is fucking fast. I can do all sorts of stuff I couldn't before, like play games and Ustream art. Plus it came with a free upgrade to Windows 7 when it's released in October, which I can't wait for since Vista is a pile of fail. And did I mention how pretty it is! It's back with white lined designs and has already been adored with a missmonstermel  decal sticker. So badass. *melts*

Not planning on doing much today. Everyone is working or busy so were saving celebrating until Saturday, which is fine by me. There will be steak and cake and joyness. Perhaps even a cinematic adventure.

Hmm, maybe I'll be able to get tonight off work if I play my cards right. ;3

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