Feels like it just started, and now I have to go to work tomorrow. Well, technically I go to work in 16 hours, but you know what I mean. Didn't do a whole lot, though I did finish and amazing book. Go read Interred With Their Bones by Jennifer Lee Carrell. It's kinda like The Da Vinci Code, only replace Jesus with Shakespeare and is 10x better.
Things are going ok. Desperately waiting for my new checkbook to come in the mail so I can pay rent. It had better be here later today or I'm gonna beat some heads in. They said 5-7 days, it had better be 5-7 days. *shakes fist* Also need to go food shopping later, for I has no noms. Or juice, and I NEEDS my juice.
Things are gonna get a bit complicated later this week, as the Benzorz got a new job and will require the use of my car, which makes me a bit irked. Hopefully I'll be able to just drop him off and he can wait an hour or so until I get done with work. Eh, we'll work something out. Man, I totally didn't know how good I had it when we both worked the same shift at UPS.
Yeah, I'm terrible, but he knows I <3 him.