Well, it looks like things have calmed down a little - though I did hear that Kenya-sama somehow got himself hurt, does anyone know what happened?
Oishi, there's still some of the leftover fondue in the fridge, let me know if you would like any - if not I'll take it with me to my next cooking lesson find some use for it.
Shishido, would you like to meet again for lunch this week? We still haven't managed to turn any of those into cooking lessons, and I would like to learn how to make the...'okonomiyaki', was it? that you brought to the potluck.
Are you alright? You've been a little quiet. Also...um, did you want to set up a time for my...sushi lesson? Should I plan to spend the night again?
[ooc: I don't know if you n' inui-mun have figured out the fallout of their log, but I figured it would've made yanagi a little quiet for a bit :3]