Oishi, since several other people have expressed interest in hearing the Stradivarius played as well, I wonder if we might just have them over at the same time, instead of making everyone run up to the music rooms?
Eiji....the chocolates were wonderful. Absolutely fantastic (on that note Oishi, there's two for you if you'd like them). How on earth did you pay for them no wait I shouldn't ask that Thank you so much.
Yanagi-san, thank you for coming over and installing that lock - it was very kind of you. And thank you for the tea as well, I needed that.
Finally, I wonder if I might pose a question to any who are reading this - I am in need of someone to teach me how to cook - Yes, Oishi, I know you don't mind the simple things I've been making but if I want to increase my rank then I need to be able to make more than ten recipes. Is anyone willing or know someone who might be? I'm not very good currently, but I promise I'll work hard.
Oishi, um, when will things about the music lessons be decided? Should I be doing anything?
[ooc: oishi-mun - chocolates are
here. assume tori ate the Red Fire and the Xocatyl. ^ ^]