I accessed my old AOL account and updated my journal there. Here is the link if anyone is interested in looking at it.
http://journals.aol.com/slvrfx11/Silverfoxninja/Normally, I don't like to advertise on my journals or anything of the such, but that is what I have designed my AOL journal for in case there are some newbies there are looking to do more than chat in the rooms. It may look plain and slightly unappealing, but the information provided in it should be more than enough for fans that are looking to do a little more.
I plan on doing this for my Fandoms website. It's slightly exhausting for me to keep up since I have to keep up with so many sites.
On a personal level, I made some headway in my life. I broke the barrier that contained my deepest fears. I didn't like what I saw, but it was necessary for me to continue. I thought that I had a fear of rejection, but in actuality, I have a fear of abandonment. It seems that I can handle rejection better than being left behind or forgotten. I want to be remembered as a person that created memorable videos and heartwarming fanfics. My real life isn't that pretty, but in my mind and in my imagination, I want to live a life where people can accept others for who they are and not for superficial reasons.