Apr 24, 2006 18:26
alright just to clear things up
i thought about what i said and i know that it was mostly my fault
and i apologized to emily and we are ok now
it wasnt just em that i was mad at just so you know
but the other ppl are taken care of as well
im sorry for what i said
i was just upset because
everyone posts about their new friends and it seems like ppl are constantly going out and having fun while im stuck out here in the middle of fucking no where with schoolwork. i know that it wasnt fair to the ppl i was mad at but i was jsut frustrated and a little jealous. i live waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out here and i go to a diferent school so it jsut seemed unfair to me that all of you at least go to school with SOMEONE and you live in a pretty close radius. i have friends at catholic that cant come over here because i live so far away. and it gets lonely. i guess i just felt left out.
anyway im sorry for my rude outbreak and i hope we can still be friends.
and im sorry for saying that i would delete my lj.
obviously i didnt
mostly because i dont know how... but also because i didnt want to lose all contact with you guys.
im not sure how that makes sense because i have a myspace but hey at least i didnt delete it.
ill start updating about my day from now on and ill refrain from losing my self-control and getting mad at ppl again.
it sux going to a catholic school because the next day i was thinking about deleting my lj and i was in religion and my teacher started this whole speech on friendship and some way or other relating it to god and it made me feel guilty...
and now im waaaaaaaaay off subject.
im sorry ok?