This week will be a better week. I'm sure.

Feb 23, 2003 15:23

Your Weekly Horoscope for Feb 24 to Mar 02

Dear J,
This week should be more calm than the last two. You get a chance to pick up the pieces and reorganize any aspect of your life that seemed to have become unglued by recent events. The Moon is in your sign at the start of the week, and trines Jupiter, which will give you the courage and optimism to work on any areas that might still need to be addressed. The Moon then conjuncts Pluto and Mars and opposes Saturn, so if there are any areas that need attention, you will get the chance to sort them out bit by bit. Your will power and urge to action are still very strong, and even with any mishaps that might have occurred, you have no intention of taking your eyes off of the goal. Any communications that you have with others at this time contain the potential for transforming a stuck situation into one that can become very fluid and profitable for all concerned. If you need to talk to a loved one about your relationship this too can a have very healing outcome, and the partnership may transform forever. Mercury trines Saturn, and this may motivate you to make a commitment to someone. Perhaps to form a partnership, whether business or romantic, or to make a deeper commitment to an existing relationship.
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