Dive season's started! for me, anyway.

Feb 04, 2011 00:05

Dive season started yesterday! I arrived early (very early; bus schedules are less flexible in the evening) and was stunned by how many people we had this year. The first year, there was perhaps six, seven, eight people who would show up consistently; this year, there must have been that many new divers, and the five of us veterans also.

I have not lost my fear for heights. The three metre was...nervewracking, and as I went to the top of the ladder I kept feeling as though I was going to simply tip backwards and fall, smack my head against the floor tiles, etc. But really, the first time I went off (I think I used the three-metre about twice last season) I was terrified of the long fall. Accustomed to the shorter one-metre, where you land almost immediately, I was freaked out by the time period where you just fall, and fall, and keep falling.

Obviously I have not been getting enough exercise, because I feel sore everywhere. My hair smells of swimming pool. I am sure I will acquire bruises by the end of the season, but I am so excited. Training's started! It feels like forever since the last season.

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dear blog, today

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