*jaw drop*

May 31, 2013 17:06

flickr is opening up storage size to ONE TERABYTE. For free users.

I am also really really really enjoying my new photostream look. It used to be white background + thumbnails of pictures, which is okay, but not great. Now the photos are much bigger--they take up the screen's width--which is so much better. It's not great if your internet's not fast, granted, but pictures are kind of an exception for me. When I work with pictures I want everything to be big.

I go to flickr occasionally and scroll through the recent photos (Explore). Have an adorable kitty picture I just found!: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zachsdame/8897036341/in/explore-2013-05-30

One terabyte. Oh my god.

Crosspost: http://silverflight8.dreamwidth.org/131074.html.

photography, asdfjkl;

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