I came home this afternoon and saw the flowers coming up. They've been coming up for about a week now, but then we had snow and then horrid rain for three or four days (and cloudy skies when it wasn't raining). Suddenly I felt that time was fleeing and that I had to get outside and take pictures. Immediately. Spring is the quickest, briefest season--what was it that Robert Frost said?
Nature's first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold.
There's this house on the corner, and the owners have a big hedge grown up along the sidewalk. In the wintertime it's pretty see-through because the leaves fall off, and sparrows perch in it year-round, so I like to look for birds when I go by. But today I saw that it had started budding leaves. And what leaves! They were just like flowers.
While I was doing my first pass (mostly to toss the blurry or under/overexposed photos) and flicking through pictures, waiting for them to load, zooming in and out to look at clarity etc, I found myself practically salivating over the photos. The really nice, really sharp pictures--I kept thinking that they were absolutely delicious.
Then I got up and ate dinner, just in case.
That said, there's just something in a clean, sharp macro photo that's...delicious. Some brain wiring has gotten fused, perhaps, but--well, the flowers look like they're cupping sunshine! Ahhhh, there's nothing like flowers.
Sunshine in the petals!
Everything else in the landscaped park is still mulch or just greenery, except for these tiny flowers. I don't know what they're called.
This is a closeup of the same.
We had some snow/rain after some of the flowers came up, so some of them are knocked over. But I think they look more interesting like this. What can you do with perfection, anyway?
Mostly I just like the shadow over there :D
Here's the nature's first gold - they're the bush that I was talking about before. I had the hardest time trying to focus a photo (the autofocus kept whirring as it focussed on one branch, then another, then back to this one, then back to another...) At this stage they are just like flowers.
They're not even flowers. They just look so happy! (I pointed the camera in the direction of the sun.)
I don't know what these flowers are called either, but they're just the slightest tinge blue and kind of lovely. Not individually breathtaking, just pretty.
Diva tulips.
I think I need to change my lj style. (After four years!) It's just not as wide as the dw one, and it's a pain with photographs; if you visit my journal you'll probably have to scroll; I don't think that the space is even 800px wide.