Okay, so, Watchmen.
to answer the question that's on every ones lips: yes, you do get to see the good doctors schlong. A lot. I was wondering if they could even do that. (physically, not legally) I mean, creating something in any medium requires practice, but can you think of any times that a high quality CGI penis was ever made?
Now as most of you know, Snyder got rid of the Giant Dead Squid (GDS), and are apprehensive about what he replaced it with. It was Doctor Manhattan. Ozymandias created a machine that created explosions around the world meant to look like Doctor Manhattan did it, and the world unites against him instead of aliens.
Son of a bitch, that is 100%... plausible. That made so much more sense then the GDS. If I offended you with that remark and you are around strangers, then say the following sentence out loud so every one can here: "Ozymandias uses artists to create a giant psychic squid monster, then teleports it into New York, where it dies, and kills 3 million people, in order to fake an alien invasion that brings about world peace". Did you say it with a strait face? Did any one around you laugh? Did any one look at you like you were schizophrenic? Keep that in mind