The Holiday Legacy 3.1

Jul 28, 2011 23:36

I'm back! After a day of traveling back home, unpacking, yadda yadda. Generation 3, make me proud! Also, LJ is being sucky so hopefully this works.

Look who's not afraid of changing diapers! I'm so proud! *sniffs*

Trying for another baby on the couch? Yes, Terrell, I am just as appalled as you are! BTW, please make it a girl.

No really Edith, you don't have to regale us about what you just did, I think the entire house saw it.

Flamingo Bazingo has expanded their merchandise to not only lawn gnomes, but lawn roosters as well! Exactly how many lawn ornaments can one neighborhood buy?

Then Eric/Ernie/something with an E quit. Apparently, if you keep your employees working past midnight, they don't get too happy.

Ex-Employee (See what I did thar?): I'm not paid enough for this crap! My talents are meant for bigger things than selling plastic animals to unsuspecting college deans!

Psh, who needs him when we have our second store? Welcome to Light The World, our lamp store! And who better to be our first star-rating customer than Venus!

Valentine: How can you say no to a Victorian cherub-flanked lamp? *protrudes manly chest*
Customer: *SWOONS*

A silver badge in registry does nothing to quell the angry line-up. Sigh...

Who knew one could get so excited over a lamp?

And yes, that previous sofa mating did produce the miracle of life!

Is it birthday time already? Well, on with it then.


So... CUTE!
Not very Irish-looking but SO CUTE.

Valentine has no qualms about being near his radioactive son. You gotta teach the tyke to speak sometime, right?

Valentine: Can you say 'Business tycoon'? Come on, 'Business tycoon'!
Brendan: But I thought you were Daddy. 8|
Valentine: Well yes, there's that too.

UGh... Why... so... adorable?

And then he does things like dance to the radio and I just wanna squeeze him and as;lgihsr *melts in puddle of goo*

Brendan: *Upon waking up* Daddy! :D


Brendan:*Pats side of potty* You're a good potty. :3


This is the last one, I SWEAR

Oh good! Another baby to distract myself with!


Meet Sinéad. She has Edith's hair and skintone and Valentine's eyes.

Brendan: I sense a new presence in the household!

Brendan: But I can't go down the stairs to seeee! D:

I hate when toddlers clog the staircases. KEEP AWAY, LITTLE MAN. KEEP AWAY.

Edith is showering her newborn with love and kisses, and there's Brendan just creeping in the corner.

He gets his revenge from being neglected through puke bombing. And Edith, THAT FACE. Are you trying not to gag? Cuz I would be.

Yes, it's already her birthday. Babyhood is really not worthy of captioning in my game.

She looks like a meanie. Is it just me? I don't see any hugs or cuddles or anything cutesy emanating from her.

Turning into a kid already? Do I really not take that many toddler pics? I feel like others use up an entire chapter just documenting their toddlers. :[ *le sad*

Augh! You cutie pie! You adorable chipmunk! You precious little child! You perfect angel! I love youuuuuuuuuu

Valentine: Will you buy a lamp?
Aphrodite: Whoah now. You think just because I'm your sister I'm going to buy something in your shop? The hell do you take me for?

Valentine: But look! We're using fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent ones!
Aphrodite: Hmmm... I am intrigued now. *PLUS STAR*

Victory. *airfistpump*

Look, look! We're even getting customers who autonomously trim the bushes outside the store! Now THAT's customer loyalty!

Valentine: Why must I do this every day I want to be home with my children :(


Fine, I sent him home to spend time with his kids. Now you can't judge me for being heartless. It's his freaking LTW, it demands long hours and BLAH.

She kind of looks like she'll grow up to be a villainess in a Disney movie, y/n? Something about her... reminds me of Maleficent. WAIT SHE NEEDS GREEN SKIN now I'm going off on a tangent.

Brendan: Bubbles make the world go round!

Oh you. *squishes* <3

Whoah, when did that happen? O_O Er... Hooray, I suppose? *does not have that many green outfits for kids*

Brendan: Dad! Come here! :D
Valentine: What is it?

Brendan: Cuddles! <3

HNGNHGHH. *loves all over*

Terrell is the only one in the house who can cook fancy things like salmon.

Actually, I had him cook it because we have a headmaster coming over! And who better to schmooze than Brendan himself? I could have Valentine do it, but damn if I don't want to increase this kid's win.

Headmaster: And what do you think of pachyderms, young man?

Brendan: *deftly maneuvers the conversation to the weather because he's full of WIN*

Headmaster: Welp, I'm sold.


Sinéad: *Evil glow*

O___o *Does the sign of the cross*

Anyone notice anything new?


I got new default skins! I was getting tired of my old ones, so I replaced them with PeachT's Candybar skins, which can be found here if anyone's interested.

Brendan, as much as I adore you to bits and bites (one of my favourite snacks, why ever did the sour cream and onion flavour disappear? MONSTERS!), creeping in on peoples' conversations is a liiiiittle offputting.

But he and Terrell spend a lot of time watching cooking shows together. The little one's already halfway through maxing that skill! I think Terrell wants to have someone in the house who can actually bake an alaska without setting the oven on fire.

The option to taunt Sinéad isn't even in his pie menu. WHY ARE YOU SO PERFECT? Having 8 nice points might explain it

Guess how many nice points she has. One. That's right. I knew she was destined for villainous acts and all out trickery! Look at how she smashes that rocket on the floor! You can tell these things early, I tell you!

Edith: I hear music is good for babies in the tummy to listen to!

Noooo, don't listen to Sinéad's "Night on Bald Mountain" xylophone rendition! She'll ruin theeeeem

Edith: Oh no, I think that's upsetting the baby!

Upsetting nothing, it's time to let that little suckah out!

Brendan: Dear me! I think I'm getting the vapours!

Oh, so it's another set of twins, is it? I have the triplets and quads hack installed, but it has yet to work its magic (I suppose I should be grateful, shouldn't I?). Anyways, this is Connor. He has Valentine's skin and eyes and Edith's hair.

And Murphy. Edith's skin and hair, and Valentine's eyes. For those of you who don't know, I named them after the Irish twins from the Boondock Saints movie. *luffles the poster on her wall*

Brendan and Terrell: *Celebratory jig*

Next chapter we will see some business progress hopefully! Me? Playing heir favourites? NAWWWW.

sims 2, holiday legacy

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