Mar 05, 2005 02:23
Hey, check this out...
So the past WEEK! My computer has been dying...
Well, not the whole thing, just the processor fan. Which leads to 212 degrees of burning pain for my poor processor. A lot of fire hazard involved. Melting silicon... bad...
Fixed! Now I can be back online quite regularly again, well. As regular as a guy working 40+ hours gets anyways.
News... everyone always wants to hear whats new. The recent snowfall has left all of our cars stranded out at the front of our property... thats new. Makes for a ten minute hike down the driveway if you want to go anywhere.
Ah, a girl. A new one at that. Cassie, among all the people that I had listed, it'd just make ironic sense that the one I forgot somehow snuck her way into my heart and became quite important to me. So what does this mean? Well, I met her parents, had dinner over at their place. My roomates all pretty much approve of her. She's a bit smitten by me, and I can't help but wonder how long I'll be able to stay reasonably mild with my own emotions. One of my biggest downfalls ( or perks depending on how you look at it) is falling in love with reckless abandon. The other issue is age >sigh< always getting in trouble with the younger girls.
She's 17. However, she has an apartment with two of her friends, and a steady job 5 days a week. She's also in college, but still finishing high school at the same time. All besides the foremost were how much I knew of her before we got amourously involved. No, I did not have sex with her. Didn't know how old she was, assumed older than she is, but still told myself not to have sex with her. For whatever reason at the time, I have no idea. My dilemma, had I known she was underage, nothing would have happened. Underage girls are a thing of the past for me, but now I'm caught in some strange twist of complications that I'm not sure how to deal with.
My resolution on this is pretty tough to decide. Currently, her parents are just fine and dandy with me dating her, having sex, having her move in with me, etc. I on the other hand, am not. 7 months from now, if she is still around, we will be a couple. Not beforehand unless she gets emancipated. So why am I being such a dick about this? Well, the law is the law. I have to be careful about it considering that my home is also my Temple. I was pretty heavily reprimanded the morning after from my High Priest for even coming close to having sex with her.
What a wonderful predicament I've found myself in eh? Can't deny the feelings I have for her, but can't do much about them. She says that 7 months isn't so long, and that she'll wait. While this makes me very happy to hear from her, the reality of 7 months is something quite different. We've arranged to not see each other, and become close friends in the meantime, minus the g/f+b/f sexuality. This leaves me with a whole new sort of relationship, something I've never done before.
Time will only tell.