#@$!&^!!! (Or, More Medical Adventures)

Feb 10, 2010 21:30

Seriously 2010, what the hell?

Last night while rollerskating with Chien, I fell pretty hard onto my back. Right on the edge of the curb of the rink. Insert your favourite cluster of expletives here, because holy FRAK that hurt. Knocked the wind out of me for a minute and everything.

After I got my breath back (and a couple of nice girls made sure I was alright), I managed to do a couple more laps before I had to call it quits for the night. Chien got me home safely and gave me a pretty nice backrub, and I went to sleep. Or, I tried to. I had a hard time getting to sleep because I couldn't get into a comfortable enough position to relax enough. So, this morning I set off to get checked out at the clinic at UCSC.

I was really impressed by the clinic-- for one thing, it's scent-free! That was really awesome. There wasn't even that weird disinfectant smell that so many hospitals/ERs have, although everything was very clean. Yay for Santa Cruz. They get major brownie points for that. I was also really impressed by the efficiency which with I was seen; all in all, I was at the clinic for three hours, which included getting triaged, seen by a doctor, sent to the pharmacy, sent down to Radiology to get x-rays, sent back up to the clinic to see the doctor again, and then get discharged.

UCSC gets more brownie points here because... drumroll please... my insurance covered all of it. All of it. Even the x-rays and both of the prescriptions (Vicodin as a muscle relaxant and Hydrocodone as a painkiller). Seriously, my student health insurance rocks. I am very, very pleased, and super grateful that I even have health insurance in the first place, let alone pretty damn good health insurance.

Anyway (I totally blame the rambling on the Hydrocodone)... my x-rays all came back looking normal, so I didn't fracture anything, which was our main concern. I was discharged with the diagnosis of soft tissue injury with whiplash of the thoracic and cervical spine. Sounds nastier than it is, I promise.

Alas, this means I'm not going to be as useful at P-con as I had hoped. I'll definitely still be working, but I'm on doctor's orders not to do any heavy lifting for the next week (sorry, Techno!). I'll do what I can to still keep up with my tech duties, because I'll feel totally useless if I don't. But please, bear with me if I'm not function at 100% capacity this weekend. Also, any healing thoughts anyone can spare this weekend would be greatly appreciated. :)

Aaand, there's the Valium kicking in. Good night, cats and kittens. See you at the 'con.
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