Aug 13, 2004 15:38
Since I haven't been around for the past few spins past the sun... I thought I might throw out a quick list of how I have spent my time.
Well to start with, I've been sick.
Came home tuesday night from work, thinking for sure that I pulled my back out.
Filled out an accident report form at work to doccument my injury.
Iced my back and fell asleep.
Woke up in the middle of the night feeling VERY cold and my throat Very sore. I knew immeadieatly that I had Strep Throat and a Fever. I've had strep about 12 times in my life and it has ALWAYS had a fever ride with it. SHIT.
Called up mom, she came over and took me to the doctor. I wasn't sick enough NOT to be a total back seat driver... but to my defense, she was driving MY car, and she was driving MY car BADLY. (She drove 45 through the side streets near my house, but 55 on I-96. SHE MAKE-A ME CRAZY!)
The docotor confirmed that yes I did indeed have a fever and strep... YAY. I already knew it, but YAY...
Went home, layed around A LOT, and had my mother nag me the entire day... phew, if I didn't die from my extreme fever I would have from my mother.
I fell asleep, and since my throat was nothing but a swollen mess of bacteria I was making CRAZY amounts of phlem. And since swallowing hurt so much my body had decided that I would not be swallowing any of that phlem while I slept... so I woke up with my entire face and pillow TOTALLY drooled allllllll over. It was so gross... but it made me laugh anyway...
At any rate I am feeling much better now, but I haven't shaved in four days... and I feel like an animal... ROAR! Maybe I'll attempt some facial hair today... hummmmmm... in the mean time I need to run up to work and get a "return to work" form that I get to take BACK to the doctor I saw... which means that I get to see the doctor AGAIN. I CAN'T WAIT. DAMN IT.
I think this is gods way of telling me to stop eating... I couldn't eat when I had my wisdom teeth out two weeks ago... and now I TOTALLY couldn't eat since I couldn't swallow at all... yep... "stop putting things in your mouth Mr. Graham" thats why god is saying to me.