Jul 03, 2004 01:47

So I went to Eastern Michigan University yesterday. I got a lot accomplished, including the selection of my classes. Incase you are intrested my class schedule is below. If you are not intrested, then just skip down to the rest of my entry. If you aren't intrested in the rest of my entry, then I don't want to be friends with you anymore.

Math for Elementary School Teachers
Literature: Fiction
U.S. Histroy 1877 to Present

There, now that wasn't so bad, now was it? I was supposed to also take physics, but there were no lab classes avaliable and they HAVE to go together... TURD.

So I come to find out that EMU didn't have record of my Winter and Spring Semesters at HFCC. SOOOOOOOOO instead of having some EASY answer to this dilema, they had this one: GO TO HFCC AND PAY TO HAVE MY TRANSCRIPTS SENT TO EMU... AGAIN. ARGH! BEAVER TITS! What a pain in the ass.

Sooooooooo I embark for HFCC (but not before droping by the student union to say cheese for my student I.D. which will be mailed to my house in 2.5-4 weeks. [yes the guy actually said 2.5 -- not 2 and a half -- he was a GIANT DORK]) BUT I DIGRESS...

So I park my car in the HFCC lot... after vowing never to return... DAMN IT. And march my way down to the cashier where I paid for my transcripts to be mailed to EMU, AGAIN!

Once my recipt had been stamped "PAID" and everything was taken care up I walked back to my car which was parked the closest to campus it had ever been since NO ONE was at school that day. My car was in sight, the sun was shining, I had gotten a lot accomplished, it was a beautiful day. I was especially happy to see that HFCC had taken to a little bit of camups beautification. Lots of flowers had been planted, mulch was bedding around the trees, and even the sprinkler system was on.

I had already walked infront of one building on campus who's sprinklers were on. I had noticed that some of them had been calibrated incorrectly, and had been wattering more of the sidewalk than the grass, so I was wary to stay out of their sprinkling fury. But now I was infront of the bookstore: a different battle field. I quickly noticed that some of the sprinklers had the same problem, so I just made a simple adjustment to my stride, veered a little to the right and presto change-o I avoided an embarassing social blunder. OR SO I THOUGHT!

I had taken for granted that I had moved "out of range," I was even reading my reciept, not paying attention, when a maverick sprinkler head over steped it's radius and COMPLETELLY DRENCHED ME in one pass, continued a few more degrees past me, and then DRENCHED ME AGAIN on it's return trip around it's cycle.

I spun around, stunned, ready to shout a well crafted slew of insults and rude phrases at the bastard of a sprinkler head that DRENCHED ME, but all of the sprinklers had already TURNED OFF.

WHAT GREAT TIMING! Had I been walking one step the right, or 10 seconds later I would have stayed dry...


To cheer my soggy self up I bought a yummy chocolate malt. It helped. Plus I had a chance to dry off in my car: I asked the DQ girl for extra nakpins.
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