Mar 13, 2007 10:01
yani is excited.
I went out yesterday and bought a shit load of plants. Not just any plants. Herbs :) (and a tomato plant with some marigolds)
So I have:
- cilantro/coriander
- curled leaf parsley
- thyme
- mint
- sage
- basil
- rosemary
- chives
I'm just missing oregano, but Wally world (Wal-mart) and Home Depot didn't have any, so I'll see if HEB still has some (its our local grocery store).
And I got a very large round pot and a window planter. I haven't as yet figured out what is going where, except that the tomatoes and the marigolds are going in the pot. I'm going to do that today.
I love herbs and I love gardening. I wanted to buy more vegetables, like eggplant, but all that was pretty much offered was all these versions of chillis. I'm not mexican; chilli doesn't do it for me.
And I want a bay tree topiary to have on our front entryway. And sunflowers. And roses. And a beautiful orchid to rest upon our coffeetable (when we get a coffeetable).
I have such a green thumb :)
My spring break is going well. I have a few things to do, but I'll get there. Things I need to do are:
- plant herbs
- clean out entire house and organise all our important paperwork into our new binders I bought yesterday
- study for tax
- study for intermediate accounting 2
- study for intermediate accounting 3
- study business law for clep
- do a spring-based doll and av for TG signature
- draw
- doll. I haven't done so in so long. And I have all these ideas and such, I just can't translate into solidarity yet
- download Black Books at some point. I love that show :)
- Same deal with Black Adder
- buy ticket for australia
- Burn Farscape onto DVDs
- create some yani CDs to play in the car instead of Jay's monotonous crap that includes the bloody Hampster Dance. Which he insists on playing any time he wants to annoy me. bastard.
yes yes. Busy busy.
(oh, btw, I got an internship with Tesoro, an oil refinery company. Much squeeness there. They're a really cool bunch)