(no subject)

Feb 22, 2007 16:42

Update of my life.

- I have glasses. Went to an optometrist a couple of weeks ago, being finally fed up with the headaches and the squinting I needed to do in order to see things far away. My short-range vision is perfect 20-20. My long-range isn't. So, I have a slight astygmatism in both of my eyes. Fucked around for a couple of weeks in getting my glasses - my student insurance doesn't cover it and I didn't know if the insurance my mum has me covered under would if it's foreign. Mum informed me on the weekend that it is. So I got them Tuesday night - and ate pancakes to celebrate.
They kinda made my eyeballs hurt, but Gods, I could see again! Things were clearer! It just got rather screwy when items were not far away but not too close and my eyes had to go a little cross-eyed in order to see it properly.

And I haven't broken them yet.

- I was involved in a rather bizarre confrontation today. The bus arrived very very late. The only seat left was one at the back of the bus that faced towards the center of the bus, rather than towards the front of the bus. So I sit there. There is an Asian guy opposite me who had his head bent down, obviously sleeping. At some point, some older woman gets on. Now, I'm either staring out the window or I have my eyes shut. I'm wearing sunglasses. I notice that the older woman, who is seated in the seat in front of the seat opposite me, keeps turning to look at me. I ignore her. For the majority of the trip, my eyes are shut. My face, of course, is turned directly in front of me.
We arrive at the university. I get off. The older woman says she wants to talk to me. I wait; curious, only to have her accuse me of staring at her the whole trip. "Do I look familiar to you? Why did you keep staring at me? Are you racist?"
I told her politely that my eyes were closed the whole time; I was snoozing. She didn't believe me. I rolled my eyes and said "Oh, yes I am a racist" and walked off, with her still firing words at my back. I waved at her over my shoulder, told her to get over it, and continued walking.
Crazy Old Coot.

- Jason is pissing me off. He sends me a text message saying "U never call and we never hang out." I respond "I never call anyone. You never call me." his response at 11.30 at night? "I'm at starbucks." That's nice. At 2am "I never call because I'm afraid your boyfriend won't like it."
Then, at 3pm today "You didn't respond."
So I replied "You text me in the middle of the night and expect me to remember, let alone respond to it?"
He hasn't replied.

- Another Jason is pissing me off. I sent an email to all the moderators of Strike Force a week or so ago about his constant Hero actioning. This time, it was when Magneto suddenly popped in to disable Bishop's gun, and then descended in a dramatic fashion to cry out that mutants have been discriminated against and for them to rise up against the oppressors. At the time, the mutants had been the ones killing people. I had an issue against him. Mainly, that he stepped magneto in at a time where the upper hand was with Bishop. Not that I was complaining, but it wasn't fair to the other players. So, I email my feelings about this to the other mods and to Jason, relegating myself only as another player and not as a moderator. I explain how I feel. I ask that his control over these powerful characters be taken away because he abuses them. He gives up without a fight; I thought that was strange so I asked that the mods contribute. Only Liam has something to say; spec just doesn't do much at all.
Time passes. Jason gets impatient. He posts a message on the General Board asking people's opinions on whether there is too much realism in the game. I see this. I don't think it's coincidental. I write a response. In my response, I allude to all the people who don't think that we should maintain our level of realism, or at least, bend the rules just for them. I get angry. I rant. I realise I rant. I step back and say what I think.
Jason writes back and starts to attack me, claiming that the General thread was just a matter of opinion and I used it to attack him. He then goes on defending himself against supposed slights - nothing, I notice, has any relation whatsoever to his domination of battles and situations.
Previously, I had written to Liam saying that I am considering quitting the group because I'm sick of all the bullshit. He writes back begging me not to go. He writes a response to Jason telling him that I am indeed right, he does have a Hero Complex, the General thread was very obviously an attack on me and he has no right to profess innocence in that regard, and he should take up less powerful characters.
I end up responding today, spending a good amount of time on the email, explaining that the post I made wasn't about him. It was about all the other morons on the site who insist that they have to have their illogical characters. I explained that for all the issues he brought up defending himself against, he never said anything about the issue that I had the main beef with.
I spent the bus trip home composing a reply if he decided to further the whole "you made this personal!" bullshit. Because I could very well make it personal and start insulting the size of his dick and his inflated self-esteem in regards to himself.

But I choose not to right now. I am nice.

For now.
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