Oct 07, 2008 08:51
Dustin went to visit Sam yesterday with Thor, Trystan and Destiny with plans to play Talisman (old D&D board game that he used to play as a kid). While there, Sam was able to move his thumbs! Several times!!
In addition, the muscle spasms that Sam's been having that have been rather freaking out the doctors to the point of them (for a second fucking goddamned time) starting a medication that I have told them is ~not~ okay (it's called Baclafen sp? and is used to make the spasms stop in addition to a myriad of lovely side effects including hallucinating when you're weaned off it ~ I got that stopped right quickly, luckily this time before they'd started administering it, it had only been ordered) he can now bring them under control after they start and make them stop! It's the most fantastic news to date!! I'm so excited for him and so thrilled to know that by the end of this week we will have a firm discharge date so I can really get things moving to get him home!
I can't wait to have my boy back at home and away from the hospital where all they seem to be concerned with is making sure he's comfortable. They don't seem to care one whit about him recovering. They don't seem to care if he's on a ventilator for the rest of his life, they actually think that he will be. Well to that, I say fuck them. They are wrong. They don't know my boy.