Jan 08, 2009 23:24
Well...I wrote an introduction to my Lit paper, which is about the conflict between the Golden Age and the Iron Age in the Aeneid and the Eclogues. Aaaaaand...the copy of Hesiod's Works and Days, which is where the five ages are talked about, that I have is, um, in Greek lol. It's along the lines of the Aeneid textbook we had...it's' Greek with tons of notes and actually insanely large appendices. So...I can't really write anything at the moment. I don't believe in skipping around in essays. Have to wait until the library I need is open...which would be tomorrow before I wake up.
I finished my History paper for Monday without much trouble. I think it came out fairly well...but it's always nerve-wracking to wait for the results. I think I'm most comfortable with being ready for that final, but it's also the one I care the most about lol. It's also on a Saturday...My Lit final, which is on inauguration day, got moved from 9:15 to 8:30 so that people will be able to watch the inauguration. I'm debating whether to come home in the afternoon and miss a good portion of it, or wait until night. Probably afternoon.
My Lit paper is due Monday. I also have the listening and speaking sections of my German final that day...an hour and fifteen minutes respectively. The rest of the test, which should take about two hours, is on Thursday. But at least...I won't have another paper due until like before spring break in March. Very nice.
Since we're in the process of switching our core curriculum to a new program known as general education, it's a little confusing as to which courses I should take. They roughly overlap...I have to take the second half of German plus Expository Writing 20, which is required of everyone. I also need to take another history course...looking at three: Roman history from Augustus to Constantine, Central Europe from 1789-1918, and "Reason and Faith in the West," which looks at the development of religion and philosophy and all that. I also have a GenEd class on German culture from 1600-2000 that I'm going to look at...and if I go with the core, it can count as a history course. I could also take Math 1a, since I seem to have forgotten much of Calc AB, but it hasn't been listed as fulfilling the GenEd requirement...
All week, my phone had been freezing up several times a day and restarting. Last night, it just died. From what I understand, the OS got stuck in its start-up sequence...thus, never got more than a flashing red LED light and a black screen. The way to fix it online didn't work at all. So...went to the AT&T store on Washington Street today. They were helpful and I got a new phone. However, since I bought the first one in NH, I had to pay the sales tax for the original phone. And I got charged $20 for a "restocking fee" because I didn't have the box and all the accessories (they're at home). It was either wait until Monday for a phone or pay...so I paid. Over $37 out of my pocket because the OS failed...sigh.
Of course, I immediately updated this phone. Hopefully what I couldn't get on the first phone keeps the same thing from happening to this one.
I did buy a good number of songs last night on iTunes, most of which aren't protected, which is nice. Found some new bands to listen to. I have one more gift card...but there's two bands I didn't touch and I'd like to get more songs by two or three of the bands I got last night. Thriving Ivory is the standout. They're new. I personally think they have a great sound.
Since today was my final German class, unless you count Monday, I'm done with classes for the semester. That's exciting. And in 12 days...I'll be done my first semester of college.
Band performances at the men's hockey games vs Brown and yale this weekend. That'll be fun.
Oh, yesterday our men's basketball team defeated the #24 ranked BC team, which last week beat the #1 ranked team. Oooooowwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeedddddddddd. That was friggin amazing. Unfortunately, I was only watching it on espn gamecast, but still. We're god damn 4th in the Ivy League...I mean, come on. That was Not supposed to happen.
No class tomorrow...think I'll sleep in till 9:30 or so...breakfast, library for book, and then paper! Wooooo!