Apr 29, 2005 15:58
So we just finished this unit in english called slam poetry. It's basically just you write a poem, it doesn't have to rhyme, usually doesn't, but it's got to move the audience. Could be funny, happy, sad, deep, personal, random, doesn't matter. I was really surprised by what some of the people came up with. Some of the people who are usually really off the wall and rarely serious wrote some really deep stuff. There were also some people who wrote about personal stuff like parents who used to drink too much or had cancer, it was really cool. Mine was about how people don't show who they really are in highschool and how you shouldn't constrain yourself to certain stereotypes. Well...here it is.
Paper Dolls
People become afraid to show who they really are,
because in school the rules are constantly changing.
Nobody knows who anybody really is
so it becomes hard to get close, to know
what someone is like on the inside,
filled with pride, or full of fear,
of something near, or far away.
We play games with eachother's minds,
it's part of the times we live in.
Popularity comes through who you hang with,
who you've dated, people get hated on
because they act differently,
because they chose a different path
to follow the crowd will only let you down.
One day the tide will change
and the waves will come crashing down
on your dreams you must rely,
believe you can fly.
Don't let the rules of school hold you back,
attack the image they make of you.
Don't be told who to be,
tell them who you are.
Don't be another cut and paste highschool love story.
A paper doll portrait walking down the hall
hand in hand with your "perfect mate."
The perfect couple isn't always perfect for one another.
People looking at you saying, "I wish I had that,"
not knowing that you plead as he leaves
with the hopes that he'll stay just a little but longer
so your glassy image can maintain it's crystal sheen.
Search for the person who can best suit your needs,
not that guy in your math class that everyone believes
would be perfect for you cuz you're so cute together.
It' better to be alone than to have a hard plastic,
truly artificial relationship.
Don't be told how to love,
show them how much you can love,
and be loved just for being you.
Don't try to constrain yourself to the tiny boxes
they build and fill with personality traits
that each "type of person" is supposed to have.
They try to push you into corners labeled
"dumb jock," or "barbie doll" and expect you to
act a certain way all the time.
Break free from the chains that constrain you,
spend some time in every corner of this big, green building we live in.
Show these paper dolls that jocks can also be band geeks,
that barbie dolls don't have to only talk about guys and makeup,
that you don't have to stay in one corner all your life.
Be who you want to be,
free from the rules of school.
For once in your life, don't go by the book.