
Apr 24, 2005 15:05

I loved the rain yesterday. I love rain in general, but when its a warm summer rain it makes it that much better. Rain is so calming to the soul. The gentle patter of tiny droplets on the velvety soft petals of dainty garden flowers combined with little red-breasted robins hopping around in the bright green grass poking their heads into the dirt to try and find the best worm for their chicks. I love spring! Too bad I didn't get to see a rainbow, that would have made it perfect. The only bad thing about spring is all the fricken pollen in the air that makes me sneeze so much. Other than that, spring is just great. Well anyways, I hope your weekend was better than mine...all I've done this weekend is laundry. I hate laundry. But I guess it has to be done.

Don't get me started on guys though....they're more trouble than they're worth! But you gotta love 'em. I mean its not like we would be here without them right?!? But yeah, guys are just so weird sometimes. Its like you think you know everything about them, or one of them, then it all changes....oh well....I bet they say the same things about girls. -shrug- I suppose its the mystery that keeps us coming back for more, if only that...-shifty eyes- ;)
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