I suddenly feel the need to inform everyone on my friends list (a paltry three or four people, I think, not including all the communities I've joined) about the various - and tedious, and random - things that reside in my mind. I mean, my own lj is pathetically empty, so it can't hurt right?
-- Spoilers for the Big Bang, Baby Challenge ahead--
So, the third Big Bang challenge just opened up, and I'm currently making my way through the eight fics that were chosen. Even though I'm only two and a quarter fics in, I already know which is my favourite -
Quantum Leap by
scoradh. I confess I thought it might be good the minute I found out who wrote it, as one of scoradh's previous Big Bang entries was
Queen of Hearts which is one of my all-time favourite H/D fics. With 'Quantum Leap' I physically laughed out loud, which is surprisingly not as frequent an occurrence as you might think. Anywho, the only problem I have with QL is the ending. The author completely blind-sided me with it - I wanted to claw at my laptop screen and scream "WHY? WHY DO YOU DO THIS TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE THING?" Actually, I think I did.
Anyway, that's only one of the entries of the latest BB Challenge. Another one I read,
Balloon Theory, by
142978, has the benefit of being the very first fic of this round that I read, so it's fairly special just for that. I find myself hard-pushed to remember what happened in it though, which is never a good sign. Oh it was good, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't spectacular, you know? It just didn't have that ... that spark, I guess, that the best fics do. However, the H/D was pretty good :D
One of my other favourite's was
Creevey at Large by
nopejr. It was bloody hilarious, and had an interesting, if not original take on the whole 'turn back time' scenario. I was surprised that an H/D fic from the eyes of a third party (in this case, Dennis Creevey) could actually work, but work it did - I just truly loved Dennis, and his black humour near the beginning of the fic was just wonderful. One problem, however: it was a little hard to follow, though this might be more because I had to break off halfway through to sleep, and I read half of it in the wee hours of the morning. Still, with all the travelling through time, it was a tad bit confusing. Still brilliant though.
Oops. I did not mean for this to turn into a review of sorts. I just meant to rec the Challenge, 'cause it's seriously amazing. I only wish I had the patience and the staying power to write something at 50,000 words or more, but since it took me nearly 4 months to write the fic linked in my previous entry (ok, ok, I'll turn the shameless plugging off :D) I don't reckon that's gonna happen. Sadly, I don't think there's going to be another Big Bang Challenge - there was one after OotP, one after HBP, and now this third one after DH. Still, they'll be nice to re-read.
In other news, I got a 66 in my Criminology essay, that's a 2:1 in uni grades - which is pretty good considering I basically pulled it out my arse overnight and only used one really good reference. It was on the National Probation Service ... and yet, I don't think I could even tell you what the NPS does. Good thing I wrote that essay, eh? :D
Speaking of Criminology ... a man came round the house today so I could take part in the British Crime Survey. Joy. We did about those at uni, and I considered telling the bloke that his stupid survey was actually pretty pointless, since they don't question people under 16, thus missing a lot of unreported child abuse or "youth crime" etc., and they rely on people to tell the Home Office about crimes they may or may not have committed. Yeah, because people are really going to admit to taking steroids and crack and whatever else; you can just bet the bloke down the road committing benefit fraud is going to chat about it nicely with some guy from the government. (Not that there is actually a bloke down the road doing that stuff. I was just being metaphorical. And cynical).
Anywho ... I think that's all for today. Not that I think for one minute anyone is truly interested in all the crap I've just spouted above. But hey, I wanted to speak (type, whatever) my mind. Y'all just have to deal with it.
Um. Cannot believe I just said y'all