Mar 21, 2010 01:01
Got the Axle/ Nvidia Geforce 7950 GT AGP card back. The seller replaced it (yay!), BUT. No. Change. Still no signal from monitors. So I did something that was really annoying and moved the 650w power supply to my old 1.5GHz machine that has a 4x AGP slot in it. And lo I had monitor signal. THE CARD WORKS. Everything back into my other better machine (Dell Dimension 4600). NOTHING. Screens black.
Cleaned the contacts to brilliant polish. No change.
The card beeps if it doesn't have enough power. It does not beep.
If the power is connected but the card is not seated, the fan does not turn. When the card is seated in its rail, the fan turns.
Removed all Nvidia drivers for the current card (GeForce 5200). No change.
I am disappoint. Going to sleep now