Jul 26, 2005 19:26
So, Sven's currently in Germany for a few days. He's coming back on Thursday with his mom (they're driving here together), and she's gonna be here about a week and a half. But have I cleaned yet since my mom left (which was yesterday, actually...)? No. Of course not. There are dirty dishes in the sink, dirty pots on the stove, and no food to eat except a bit of pasta and bottled pasta sauce.
But I don't feel like cleaning at the moment. I've just spent a long day at work trying to work out the mess one of our printers made with my books that were supposed to publish on Thursday. I was supposed to get my advances (advance copies of the book to check that the print job was done well, and that the cover is the right one, that there are no glaring typos anywhere, and basically that it looks presentable enough for customers.) Did they bring my advances? No, of course not! Why would they? It's only Tuesday after all, and the stock has been already recieved at our processing plant and is ready to be released to the public on Thursday, but I have no bloody idea whether they are good copies or not!! *Argh* I could just kill them.
So instead of cleaning up my little flat which will probably start smelling a little tomorrow night, I'm going to sit down to a nice long reading session of Harry Potter 5. I realised that I couldn't remember the specifics of 5, even though it's my favorite of the series so far, and I better read it again before I jump into 6.
I think I'll fix myself a nice drink and some more pasta and just reeeellllaaaaaxxxxxx. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh. I can always do the cleaning tomorrow :-p.