On the move... Can't Stop Won't Stop

Jun 19, 2013 02:45

Well it is three days later and I'm just reporting in. The day that I was so worried about ended up being a really productive day. I cleaned up more of my messy place and re-arranged some furniture so that I had a better feng shui or at the very least I feel like it. I am so on the ball lately. I've been kicking ass and taking names. Getting things done that I've been putting off for far too long. I went this morning and took my learners permit test. I barely even studied for it. I did two practice tests online and crammed what the signs looked like and aced it. I'm a test taker for life. I've always been excellent at tests and always will be. I also used a bit of The Secret to help me out as well, mostly to get over nerves that are perfectly fine to have. I also decided that I'm going to a club's grand opening. I thought it was this friday and invited a lady friend of mines to accompany me. I only plan to dance with her from time to time but mostly look for a potential at this spot since so many people are going to be there. I told her likewise to look for one also. She happens to have a thing for nerdy white guys or white guys that have a certain swagger. She believes that those are the only two types of white guys that like to date black chicks and will approach her. There is some business that I'm working on for my mother and I also attended a CVH meeting tonight. I guess I'm slowly being pulled back into working with them and I don't mind. It's a very good thing to do volunteer work to help out those that aren't as fortunate as I am. The main campaign that we are currently working on is the terrible condition that the slumlords are leaving their properties in while their tenants pay them rent every month and they aren't fixing things that need to be fixed.
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