this almost-statue thing i have of david's face! i was fucking around with my camera and that's why this looks this way.
my car's sexy ass! parked at work.
my sister on the way to the blood brothers show.
we bought these things called "soft paws" which are little flexible plastic claw covers so that your cats don't scratch the shit out of your furniture, which enki loves to do. supposedly extremely safe, but clearly not! this one GREW INTO the pad below the claw. dated for evidence when i sue the pants off those fuckbags. just say no to soft paws! and also declawing!
the guts of my computer. it's got a window in the side. look at how the fan sucks in nothing but cigarette smoke! mmmm.. healthy.
a ben!
enki and general tso cuddling. general tso is the biggest asshole cat, so i had to document this.
a super close-up of my shoe when i was testing my camera's zoom capability. i had no idea that much dust had settles in all the little crevices.
a small re-creation of my favouritest statue in the world by my favourite sculptor. "rape of the sabine woman". this is only one angle -- the statue is basically a brand new version every way you walk around it.
voltron's eyeball!
and.. me! THE END! :D