A big thanks to everyone one who was kind enough to send along birthday wishes, especially to my lovely and talented Tia and the unbelievably awesome
idontlikegravy who
wrote me fic! It's cracktastic crossover Discworld/Highlander/others hilarity and I love it to bits. Everyone go read, and don't forget the footnotes! : D
As for the day itself, I took the day off work to revel in the luxury of lying in before venturing out to enjoy the sun with the parents, taking High Tea (yes there were scones, we are in Scotland after all) at a local restaurant overlooking the sea, and capping the day off with Indy Jones and the Ridiculously Implausible Plotline. Which we all enjoyed regardless, because, hey - it's Indy!
Today was back to the usual library shenanigans, and the notice that my initial probationary period (that sounds rather sinister doesn't it?) is over, and they appear to be pretty damn pleased with my work.
It's also graduation week this week at St. A's and although I took a peek around, I didn't catch a glimpse of Judi Dench who was receiving an honorary doctorate. Pity, as everyone think she's a dead ringer for my mother, and it'd be fun to see a real-life comparison. ; )
Right, that's enough blether for now.