Dec 07, 2004 18:06
Closer = amazing movie. we went to go see it last night, and i loved it. i suggest that you all go see it too.
also, Justin's new name from now on is Rand McNally. Call him that, he'll enjoy it :P
so i'm sitting here in the library trying to write my paper for my Milton class, and prepare my essay for Romantic History, but neither are going very well. might as well stop since i have orchestra in a half hour anyway.
can't wait to go home next week. one week from this friday i'll be flying home. yay!! winter break! which means we must plan new years. ugh why must i be the only one left that isn't 21?? as soon as i come home i'll be on the hunt for a fake id, if anybody has any ideas as where i could get one, pleeeease let me know, i'll love you forever.
talking to melissa right now, and i love that whenever we talk she demands the evil demon face. it's like how other people thrive on drugs, she thrives on the evil demon in aim convo. haha <3 you!
um i'm in a really werid mood right now. i also feel a little nauseous. been like that lately, it's weird.
i just suddenly got an urge to drink milk, so i'm going to go find some.