Stuffed nose today. Sneezing a bit. Hopefully the cold will be gone by the weekend. <<;; More importantly, after watching Supernatural tonight...
This new writerguy? My fucking hero. This is one of my favorite episodes, period. I'm not saying it was perfect, but I do think it was better'n last week's. I definitely hope he becomes a regular writer once the strike ends.
Bela's "Let's have angry sex"? Seals the deal. Love her. (Plus the family-killing past that "nobody understands"? Hopefully it'll seem like enough motivation for her to be the way she is. Can we find out now, please? ><;;) I mean, I'm not exactly shipping her with Dean, but I do like that she's very forward and that she can get the upper-hand on The Main Characters. It's nice. .-.
CREEPY OLD WOMAN HITTING ON SAM. Not sure if it's hilarious or horrifying, but it did make a damn good running joke. >>;;
I have a fuckton of homework to finish - well, one assignment, but it's long - so I, uh, really shouldn't be typing this. So I'll leave you with:
Poll Who d'you think is cooler at this point? ALSO FINALLY HUNG UP A GIN/KIRA POSTER IN MY ROOM. 8D *dumb, fangirlish glee* Was procrastinating by watching Bleach earlier -> more joy!