Yay, studying!
Heroes? Epic win. A few thoughts:
HE IS HAIRMAN-- I mean, uh, Peter Petrelli. :D
- The scar is obviously not from Sylar's attempt at brain-removal, so how did he get it?
- Hiro becoming a terrorist after Ando dies, and friends expect me not to slash them...?
- Evil!Parkman was creepy, oh god. What powers, if any, did his son have?
- Bennet visiting Claire in the restaurant, slkjsg.
- President Sylar is alarmingly similar to Hitler. I want to find out why it's called 'The Linderman Act.'
- How the hell did Peter and Niki end up together? How the double-hell did anyone think they'd have chemistry as a good couple? How the triple-hell did Jessica 'die.' and why does Niki seem so distressed about it? (Maybe we're talking circles of Hell, like Dante's Inferno...?)
- If it was established that blue glowyhands indicate manipulation of electricity or something to that effect, unless Peter had a pacemaker that Sylar was trying to stop, Sylar would be rather ineffective in combat. (Thanks to Random for pointing this out~ XD)
- What kind of power does Molly have that could defeat Sylar? (Suggested by an RL friend, super-cuteness. I'm inclined to agree.)
- MOHINDER I LIKE YOU WITH GLASSES. AND YOUR STABBINGS. Why are you working for President Hitlar?