Jan 04, 2006 12:26
ugh! PAIN!... i downed 12 glasses of vodka yesterday night. MY HEAD!
i been lucky yesterday, i met black (thomas) again after one year not talking. we were great friends and i know him for 6 years or summat. he said he often thinks about the old times and he missed me and it would be destiny that we always meet again. he gave me his adress (which is an honour actually) so i shld write him a letter. will do today. he wants to meet up when im back in germany.
i talked to olly on the phone yesterday again, yay :D and he s back online :D:D:D
else... well dan was either in a crap mood yesterday or he was being stupid again coz he was really quiet and left without saying anything :(
yea that's it, i need a place to die now coz my head is killing me.