Sep 22, 2009 17:34
What we call crock-pot veggie soup.
My sister is vegetarian and came up with this one - gather up your fave veggies in proportion to your crock-pot. We like potatoes, celery, rough-cut carrots, somtimes chopped tomatoes, sometimes beans, always some frozen veggies like green beans and peas. I have a tendency to grab way too many potatoes, since I love them, so it's a good idea to pile the veggies on a cutting board next to the crock pot as you prep them so you can eyeball it better. You need one normal sized jug of v-8 for the average crock pot.
Drop all the veg in the the pot, starting with what doesn't cook down, at least not much (carrots, celery, ect), and ending with the ones that really shrink in heat (potatoes). Keep it up till your even with the lip of the pot, and think that the lid won't set on proper. Cover with v-8 and water in a 2:1 ratio. Turn the pot on high, and go to bed. By the time you wake up, it -may- be done, or it might still be crunchy (depends on number of frozen veg). If it's very aromatic and you woke up with a veggie craving from it, it's time to at least turn it down to low.
Serve a bowl with shredded cheese over the top, or with a grilled cheese sandwich. Or just gobble a bowl for breakfast. Dish remainder up in freezerable tupperware, freeze, and eat a bowl a day for a week or two, depending on the size of your crock-pot and the number of roomies you have.
writer's block,
quick healthy recipe,
intel sponsors of tomorrow