Writer's Block: On Your Tombstone

Jul 30, 2008 15:50

 "Her life mattered"

I have, on a few occcasions, decided that surviving through certain hardships (not ones with any potential to be deadly, to be clear) would only be worth it if I could do something that mattered - even if it's something as plain as rescuing dogs and cats. I love animals enough to say getting out of bed is worth it...

On the other hand.... Now that I've thought some more, I might prefer either

"She did things worth doing"


"She always had somthing to do"

My personal opinion is that having a list of things to do before you die and making it up of only things you probably won't do is stupid - if you have bad knees and everthing on that list is about as easy as climbing Everest, you are being silly.
Personally, I prefer to always have a list of things to do now (this week), then this month, year, and then a list of things to work towards in the long term. If you can bargain with the Divine for a few more hours, days, or weeks, wouldn't it be annoying if there was nothing you could accoplish in two weeks that couldn't be done in a hour? An hour is all you need to say goodbye to your parents, but I need a few weeks to save up the cash to get mom a spa-day-gift-card.

my dogs, writer's block, life - in general

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