Tuesday, October 14, 2008
“Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction. When we're two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we've found the right person.”-Richard Bach
i never believed in that babble before and here i am now finding myself believing it. crazy how life is huh?
my friend alison talks on and on about this guy she believes to be her "soul mate" or "other half" if you will. they are so alike and so much each other that they've actually concluded that being married and having children is a great idea. he a military man with a punk rock sweet side and her being a snappy hardcore bitch, rather fun couple.
(NOTE: i really don't know what else to say about them and their relationship seeing as how i viewed it 'too good to be true' and 'strange')
now i'm believing i've in turn found mine.
no details necessary to be added about him, but everything i've wanted is this one person. i know i could be thinking rashly and being over dramatic or whatever, but in all seriousness and being a skeptic of this "soul mate" bullshit i gotta admit i'm kinda freaked.
the likenesses occur in numbers daily and we keep screaming for he to stop being like me and i to stop being like him. its funny and weird at the same time. i really don't know what to make of it. all i know is it will be tested from every angle.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Currently Listening
Peace Through Vandalism/When In Rome Do as the Vandals
By The Vandals
Lady Killer
see relatedYep
pretty much what i want to do for the moment.
idk why but right now i really wish i could go sit in a sauna and cry.
no explaination, but ehh.
don't like being in GA and ready to leave!
its time to LIVE & make more mistakes!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
You Mean Patrick?
Swayze's last night.
felt seriously uncomfortable with the quick judgement between friends and acquaintences.
awkward moment due to "Faithful Deceit".
^ Blake ^
complimented "adorable", "well-mannered", "PuNk"...cool i guess.
got: asked for my digits & my ass grabbed.
^ digits asked for by drummer of this band ^
Alison is attempting to hook me up with someone although the most i can offer is a friendship.
^ Alison ^
thanks, but no thanks...not interested, sorry!
^ Benji tat design #1 ^