Alright, so we all know that the Lizard is a member of many mailing lists.
She opened up her inbox today and found this jewel:
hey how many of you in here are 2 year olds?? pikachu would zap em
all..theyre all a sorry excuse for superheroes...pokemon dont need to
be superheroes to save the day... hey and wwe would never be fake
like your,e 2 year old extinct superheroes
Wonderful, no?
Idiots really are amusing.
I got another email in my hotmail account that... is entertainment of a rather different sort.
Hey, I'm sure you can remember me from the last time
we talked. I was wondering if maybe, in your spare
time since I now how precious everyone's time is, you
could review my bigger fic "He'ero's Surprise". It
won't surprise me if there are quite a few paragraph
grammatical errors so if there are dont be afraid to
point them out. As I know you never are. But, out of
all reviewers you are one of the most respected, and
for some the most hated, as also you already know.
I'm sure you will enjoy the story line and just as a
side note the story is written for people with a lower
language level. I'm trying not to make it too
complicated, reason being it was originally written
for my younger cousins. So do not expect a highly
intellectual and perplexing story line. But back to
the orignal reason for this email, if you could take
the time to review my story i would greatly appreciate
it. Thank You.
The guy with enough guts to talk back to you. j/k
Cute. I'm actually considering doing it, they buttered me up so well. *giggles*