Flaming again. Icons first. ^^
Yeayea, the song was stuck in my head, and I got bored. Shuddup.
Death to Lifeby:
Arella HalloThe Senshi have fallen for the final time before Chaos. In a last-ditch effort to free her followers from their eternal struggle, Serenity calls on her Godhood again and is pulled from mortal life. Full indroduciton inside.
Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon - Fiction Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2115 - Reviews: 0 - Updated: 4-15-05 - Published: 4-15-05
You have a career in writing.
No seriously.
This fic was so good that I’m thinking of recommending that you write for soap operas and B-rated science fiction/fantasy movies! The dialogue! It just, flows so well.
Not stilted at all.
Come on, literary gold! It’s not like the whole “altered Greek pantheon with stilted dialogue” thing has been done before! You must be some sort of literary genius on par with the writers of the National Enquirer. No one else could have come up with something like this.
Death and Life as a pair? That’s just so original! I don’t think I’ve ever come across that concept in all of my years as a fanfiction editor.
And the misspellings of the Greek god names? Pure fried gold! Best way to express your singularity and your brilliance all at once.
But it gets better! You’ve got this plot that producers would absolutely kill for, considering it’s so original they wouldn’t have to pay any copyright fees!
Your absolutely dazzling intellect has blinded me so harshly that I can only stumble about in confusion.
~ SilverCaladan ~
Sarcasm: noun.
- A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
- A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.
Oh yea. Short flames are now my norm. Long only if needed. These are just *too* much fun.
Vampires Blood and Hunters Soulby:
Daggers NightThe inner senshi and Hotaru are Hunters and the Gundam Wing boys are Vampires. When they meet bad things start to happen. HH,QMi,TMa,DA,WR
Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon - Fiction Rated: T - English - Action/Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 680 - Reviews: 3 - Updated: 4-14-05 - Published: 4-14-05
Vampires, demons, and hunters, OH MY!
I think your prologue might just have given me a heart-attack. I was so startled by your amazing descriptive and grammatical skills that it just short-circuited my nervous system, and I absolutely *know* that your plotline is so brilliant that it threw my brain into a coma; it couldn’t handle the sheer originality.
Nah, that’s a lie, and I’m not feeling mean enough to lead you on anymore. Everything in this prologue came straight from the landfill to your screen. It’s the refuse of greater writers and greater artists, stuff that they might have written when they were, oh, negative five.
Perhaps you are the equivalent of the homeless person on the street-corner, pushing a stolen shopping cart, and digging through the dumpsters for little gems of rotten fruit.
Been here, done that, got a postcard for it. I can link you to a scan of the postcard, if you need the proof of how overdone this plotline is.
Vampires are cool. But this? This… hunters, and souls, and a ring of the oldest? Not schway. Very not schway. If you thought you were being radical in your pathetic imaginings, go out and buy a lifeline. You’ll have to pay top dollar for one capable of performing CPR on this… thing you call a prologue.
I’ll be relatively nice and not address your home-made horror-flick dialogue, lobotomized spelling, flow like radioactive sludge, or the legally brain-dead script.
Get off the streets. Find religion. Acquire a high-school degree. Do *something* to get out of those garbage dumps.
~ SilverCaladan ~