Jul 04, 2007 23:45
Ok so it looks like I am hosting movie night tomorrow (Thursday) night so everyone is welcome to come over after 7:30 and we will probably start the movie at around 8:30 or so. I can't remember if anyone volunteered to pick the movie though. If not I have a backup just in case.
In other news, went and saw Transformers Monday night which I enjoyed a lot. It was better than I thought it would be. The special effects were awesome and it brought back a lot of memories of growing up playing with the toys, watching the cartoon and first movie. There were a couple shortfalls of which one was I thought they focused a bit too much on the human element than the Transformers. However they apparently have green lighted two more movies so now that they have the intros and setup out of the way the next ones could be even better.
Well time to sign off. I don't like having to work tomorrow after having today off for the 4th. It seemed like a Saturday.