Great Weekend and strange day back to work

Jul 18, 2006 22:42

This past weekend up in Elk Rapids was great! It was one of the most relaxing vacations I have had in quite a while. Some of the highlights of the weekend were lots of swimming, tubing on Elk Lake which was a lot of fun, seeing Becca's house where she fixed us a great dinner :-), visiting Lake Michigan, going to see Andy's parents cottage on Elk Lake and going to a restaurant named Pearls that had some awesome New Orleans style food. So we did quite a bit. A big thanks goes to Andy for getting everything organized to be able to go and also to those that helped in preparing some meals for everyone.

The weather was great also. Other than it raining for the trip up there and back it was mostly sunny and pretty warm. There were some crazy storms yesterday too but we missed them luckily. However, when I left my parent's house to head home at about 10:15 pm I drove through a ton of wind from an up and coming line of storms. It was a bit scary as leaves and small branches were flying all over the place on M59 and a couple hit me while driving. So I was glad to get home before the storm hit about 20 minutes later.

Oh also after the trip was done Andy and I recalculated how much gas we used for during trip and we didn't use as much as we thought we would before the trip started. So we owe everyone some money back. I owe about $5 and Andy owes about $4 to everyone. So I will try to give my money to those that are at movie night this week.

Today was a very odd day back to work. It started fine and then suddenly the power went out at about 10:30 am. It was just a problem with us though. When DTE said they wouldn't be out until 3 pm about 90% of the people left for the day. I couldn't leave of course though as I was monitoring our server room which was on generator/battery power. Our AC units aren't on generator so the server room and other areas got pretty warm. So when DTE came out they found the problem... a bird touched part of our transformer/power cabling to our building and shorted it out!! So they had to remove the bird and repair a shorted out part. I didn't get to leave until almost 6. Hopefully tomorrow will be more of a typical day.

Anyway, this has been a bit of a long post so Cya everyone!
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