Sep 30, 2015 03:07
My life has been busy but quiet in the five years since I've been a regular on here.
I gained a daughter in 2011. She is now in preschool, loves puzzles and dressing up and dinosaurs. Connor is now eight and in third grade, loves Legos and Doctor Who and Plants vs. Zombies and hates math class.
We got a dog a few weeks before we found out I was pregnant with Meri, a chocolate lab mix we call Murphy, who is very unhappy that she's not the alpha of the house. She would be better off if she had someone to boss around. We have been through several rounds of poultry, with only one of my original chickens remaining along with three others who are devoid of personality and four assorted unpersonable ducks. We have lost two cats: our tiny fluffy gray and white Kitton and our calico Miette, but we still have big orange Poxy and adopted a black blanket cat, Camilla, a few years back. Connor just got a rabbit -- a mini-Rex -- which he hopes to show next year at the fair. So that's our menagerie.
Fuzzy is still Fuzzy, currently not working for various reasons related to our collective mental stability, happy playing Viking with his friends and awkwardly but determinedly exploring gender identity and presentation. It's been an interesting struggle, but I'm not sure I'll go into it here. Definitely not right now. His garage is collapsed so he hasn't been woodworking, and he is suffering from a lack of motivation to get it fixed because excuse excuse excuse. I don't know. He has a cold and other commitments so I don't want to bug him about it, but it is always a bad time and getting close to winter.
I am still myself, though less so than I used to be. I used to be much more... muchier. I've lost my muchness. It's hard to stay muchy sometimes, but I'll be damned if I'm going to stay muchless forever. Part of reigniting this journal is to wheedle the muchness back out, so we'll see how that goes.
Two years ago I posted, toying with the idea of coming back, but didn't. This makes Post No. 2 this time around. One post is a broken promise, two posts shows potential, three posts is a presence. Until next time!
brief recap,