Tell me something you think I should know. Post anonymously if you like; I will not track addresses.
Ask me a question and I'll answer honestly.
(Anything to do with anything. Silly? Perhaps. Really, I'm just bored.)
And You: I'm not sure if you deleted your comment or if I accidentally did. But we miss you too, whether or not
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I'll probably still be living here, in this house on this corner of land near this large body of water. The thought of that makes me happy, because there is something in here that shows me glimpses and keeps me intrigued, and i kind of don't want to leave until i found out what it is. I do miss my friends and Family and wish Connor were closer to his relatives, though. Or that transportation and time were cheaper.
Unfortunately, I probably will still be working at the newspaper. This despite layoffs because i'm not getting paid enough for them to want to ditch me, and despite the commute because there's little else for me to do up here with my experience. However, I am still feeling pulls to work within the education system, and what form that takes remains to be seen. Connor will be school-aged at that point and I might be involved in homeschooling, or some kind of alternatively-minded education setting. Jim, hopefully, will be at home full-time.
Our place will have goats and chickens and will be beautiful, and we will have made connections with the locals to develop a backyard farming community. Or at least i'll have a website.
I will also find time to ease crafting into my regular schedule. It will be easier once the garden can run itself and once Connor is more independent, which should be soon. I miss weaving, and still feel urges for pottery and mosaics.
There probably will be at least one more mini-Jiffany in there, too. :o)
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