May 06, 2010 14:59
I doubt much anyone even uses this site anymore.. But I stumbled back across it by accident and remembered my log-in info.? *Gasps, wide-eyed* Anywhoo.. I read over my old entries for a bit.. Wow, was I an over-dramatic emo fuck.. (Could have been the drugs, kiddies!) Anywhoo, I'm more sober minded and I've grown in leaps and bounds. Much has happened since my last entry. Worked a few different jobs, dumped my old girlfriend Amanda after a year, Am currently working part-time at a video store.. hoping to get more hours and still actively seeking new work whilst I keep at trying to get my med. billing and coding certification.
Hmmm.. Am engaged to Ashley, she's been living with me awhile now. Got to see Dia when she came back from Japan with her new husband Marcus. *Squee* Eh, but now they've moved down to Florida, which makes me a little sad to be so far away from her again. I hate falling out of touch with people.
Uhm... My father passed last month April 20th.. He was 56 years old. R.I.P. - It's really sad because no one would step up to identify the body or pay for any services. My step-mother actually lied to me and told me it was taken care of! The whore. She can go fuck herself.. I hope she dies miserable and alone. You don't FUCK with stuff like this! *Sighs, regaining her composure* She did it because her son (Paul, my brother) and I are fighting. I no longer speak to him and I swear it's for good this time. He's not right in the head, he has mental issues.. They're dead to me. Anyway, I went and IDed muh father, and got services settled with my GodFather, so that's all taken care of finally.
I have a friend coming to visit in early june! *Jumps for joy* Oh my god, I haven't actually seen him in so long and I hadn't realized 'till recently just how much I missed him. I really, really have. It will be good, I'm sure. Hmm.. have work in a few hrs. and I have to finish up cleaning the house so off I go for now!