Apr 21, 2008 19:34
Ok so work was major drag what with my boss whatevering me, the operations manager being a right prick and the board members hearing what they wanted to hear rather than what i was telling them
On top of me feeling horrible beacuse it probably just sunk in that my starry eyed girl wasnt going to be home before xmas
Decided not to go to training tonight because i didnt want to inflict my bad mood on others
Self medicate! my inner voice demanded
(its hard to ignore it when its shouting like that ... it can be quite insistent)
And then ...
There was an email related to gardening and as the beer started to take hold (ahem, amoungst other things) while I was pounding away an enthusiastic response all the silly crap faded away in swirling curlicues of green growing things
Im stoked the Herb Guild is getting bigger and i am ever so closer to my goal of introducing 100 new plant varieties to my little patch of dirt in the Dandenong foothills (It must be near 50 now and 40 just in herbs)
of quiet regret is that my name isnt on the parchment that was submitted to have it formally recognised by the Crown ... another day not seized ... sigh
but actually it got me in a good mood ... yay for my garden :)
yah .. bought a couple of cds which i dun do very often .. led zep makes me happy too
forgive the spelling ...im not checking
dances off
o where did all the good chat rooms go