Title: "Home Is Where The Heart Is"

Apr 15, 2010 13:35

**Must be 18+ to read

Disclaimer: The characters of Naruto do not belong to me but to their creator, Masashi Kishimoto. Nor do I make a profit off of this. The only characters that would belong to me are of my own creation.

Title: Home Is Where The Heart Is

Pairing(s): Minato x Sakumo; eventually Minato x Kushina, Fugaku x Mikoto, Fugaku x Sakumo (or something ????)
Character(s): Kakashi, Obito, Rin, Itachi, Tenzo, others,...

Warnings: None so far, since it's only a teaser; AU


His sensei stared at him with an expression bordering on grief-and-anguish.

Oops..had that been something of importance? Kakashi put the broken ceramic piece down and tried to busy himself with something else to do. He refrained himself from making anymore unnecessarily eye contact with the exasperated blond headed man. There really wasn't much to look at in the medium sized room that made up his sensei's apartment. Even his father's residence was at least five times larger than his sensei's place. It'll be getting some used to, while his father...is away but he promised he'd be a good boy, nonetheless.

With the fiasco behind them, mostly on his part and unintentional - as curiosity got the better of him, Kakashi followed silently behind his sensei, making sure to measure his steps to remain a few feet away from his sensei's tense but determined strides. Will Kakashi's room be any smaller. How will he be able to practice his ninjutsu on rainy days? He needed room to go through complex kata's and acrobatic flips and handstands to perfect his art, without worrying about knocking anything over to further irate his unwilling guardian.

Kakashi stopped short of smacking into his sensei's back, as they reached a door hidden in the length of the corridor, as his attention was drawn back to his surroundings. Kakashi waited for his sensei to make the first move. There were three doors on opposite sides, catty cornered. His sensei hesitated at the one they stopped at. Kakashi blinked, cocking his head to the side in confusion, as he pondered why his sensei was pausing.

Coming to some sort of conclusion, his sensei sighed and gingerly wrapped his hand around the door knob -turning it and pushing their way in.

Light bathed the room when the switch was hit. Kakashi moved around his sensei's stiff form, whom stood in his path and let out an involuntarily gasp. The room was more than he hoped for and Kakashi knew he would have no worry in his morning and night warm ups. He had adequate room for all his needs.

**More to Come**

character(s): kakashi, pairing: minato x sakumo, title: hiwthi, teaser: naruto

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