HEALTH - Stupid instability

Sep 21, 2011 10:41

And out of physio for the pelvic instability.  No more crutches (unless there are stairs to get up), I have a walking frame now, which is I suppose the next natural stage as everything gradually falls apart.  The frame is a bit easier to use, more bulky but I can push things along in it and it has a built in chair and some carry space.

I also now have my back taped (three days on, one day off), and two tubi-grips (aside from the one on my foot).  One to keep my stomach up and off my pelvis, the other to sleep in to keep my pelvis stuck together.  I need to icepack the public joint at the front, and heatpack the sore muscles on the sides, and get poor Chaos to rub a tennis ball over the back joints to try and get them to stop spasming.

I can't get into or out of cars any more by myself, or into and out of beds, and will probably need to switch to sleeping in the recliner more.  I can't use public transport.  I have Panadeine Forte to take at night so I can sleep for longer periods, and during the day if I have to focus at work, and Panadol permanently for the rest of the time.  I have a belt to wear when I'm not sitting - can't wear it while I'm sitting due to it digging in.

The hospital physio said not to expect any improvement (it will get worse and worse) until velociraptor is here.  Then I should get gradually better over twelve weeks.

That seems a very long time in the future.  That's...I don't know, maybe another twenty four weeks of this.  It's beginning to seem a bit overwhelming and I'm very tired.  I'm woken every couple of hours by spasms of pain and no longer have much energy for anything.

All of this is before the physio I can do for the damaged tendon in my foot...
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