Prompt Post

Jan 07, 2025 01:49

I may take this down, if it sits unfilled for too horribly long, but for now it amuses me. See, I had a blast with the winter prompt thingie, and some of the suggestions were things I would have never thought of, but loved. (Even if I didn't get them all posted in time. Shush.) So, I decided to open this little spot. I'm going to accept prompts 24/ ( Read more... )


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wine_echos February 17 2012, 20:12:52 UTC
Hey girlie!

I've got another prompt for you. I loved my Christmas fic you wrote and I had another pop in my head and thought you might fill it. If you don't like it, it's cool but I fighured it's worth ay :]

Okay, so here goes:

Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Prompt: Jared is married to/dating a very abusive man. He barely lets Jared leave his sight and when he does, he leaves him at the house or maybe locked in his room. Husband is very rich and connected though so when his assistants/ workers/ friends/ goons see what he is doing to Jared, (beating and raping him?) they don't do anything about it in fear for their own lives and their families lives. He won't take Jared to a hospital when he's hurt, he calls his new personal doctor, Jensen, to make house calls. Maybe the last one quit because he/she knew what was really going on. The first couple times husband makes excuses about Jareds injuries and of course Jared won't flat out admit it, but soon Jensen starts to realize he's treating an abuse victim. Cue Jensen trying to help and falling for Jared and so on.

Sorry it's such a long prompt and your very welcome (obviously) to twist and change it if you decide to write it. I would love love LOVE if you do but, it's not everyones cup of tea so I understand if it's too much. Please let me know. I'd like to find a community or something where I could post prompts or bunnies but I wanted to come to you first. I know you're probably not looking to write a chapter fic or anything but I think this could be made into a short or long fic.

Okay, that's all for now lol.


silverblaze85 February 20 2012, 07:55:58 UTC
Ohhh, interesting! *taps her nails* I'mma have to think on this one... but it's already starting to unfold a bit.

Don't ever hesitate to post a prompt here. ^_^ I may not get to it quickly though. I don't know of any 'plot-bunny-farms', but that's not a bad idea!! I know I'd jump on it in a heartbeat!


wine_echos February 20 2012, 16:00:51 UTC
I've seen a couple communities, and even posted to some but they are not upkept. They are mostly, at least the ones I've seen, older. and no one really goes to them. I know about the memes and kink memes but most of the things I think about aren't really suited for those places, you know?

I'm glad you like the idea.


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