1) Remember, you can still post prompts at the
Wishlist 2011 Prompt List. I still have 8 slots left. Please oh please go prompt something!! :)
2) It's that time of year again. You may see the "Send a card to A Recovering Soldier, C/o Walter Reed Medical Center". Please, don't. The Walter Reed Medical center CAN'T accept mail addressed that way, and anything incoming like that gets thrown away to be safe. HOWEVER, you can mail a card to recovering soldiers through the Red Cross. The address:
Holiday Mail For Heroes
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456
They have a list of general requirements (no glitter, no personal information, etc) on their page. Also, all cards must be postmarked by December 9th, 2011. All this information can be found HERE:
Red Cross Holiday Mail For Heroes.
Snopes about "A Recovering Soldier, C/O Walter Reed Medical Center"