Okay, so I'm totally blaming
aramuin for my newest thing.
Now, I don't follow American Idol. I know, go ahead and faint, I'll still be here. *waits* Go on. *waits* Done now? *firm nod* Okay then. So, this all developed from my posting on SPNfinders trying to hunt down a good reader for podfics, yeah? And someone suggested
pandarus , and she had read something called "
QueensGuard". Now, it's a BigBang from back in the day, so I'll assume you've all read it. Well, the third installment is less J2 and more Kradam.
Huh? I know Adam Lambert from many of his songs, and I adore the guy. I especially love the fact that my parents hate him, but that's a whole 'nother LJ account, yeah? And I know Kris Allen from his one song. Awhile ago.
So this whole Kradam thing is new. But, because Youtube is awesome, I found this:
Click to view
So now I'm seeing Kradam as a younger J2, but man...this thing has consumed my entire night.
*is happy*
Anyway, stay tuned for Asthmatic-Jared being posted in a minute. ^_^