I promise, I will be condensing all of my drabble master lists onto one giant Master Fic List here soon, just hang with me here. I figure it's easier to keep drabbles on one page instead of scattered everywhere.
Okay, so on FF.Net, they have an E/O Challenge, where they put out a challenge word every week, and you write a 100-word drabble for it. I wanted to do the 500 I was taught is a drabble, I was told I wasn't allowed. So, I decided to do a dictionary-roulette... find a challenge word of my own every week. This the compilation of all of them so far.
PLEASE NOTE: Each and every drabble has it's own warnings and ratings. Most are benign, but some have others. All will be clearly and obviously marked.
UPDATE: Yes, I am -well- aware that sometimes, our boys are OOC. The entire goal (for me, at least) with writing this is to kick my butt into gear, actually sit down and write. It's not going to be perfectly polished and awesome and amazing. This is to keep me from going months on end without writing, and a chance to try my hand at writing styles I wouldn't normally try. Yes, I am well aware that Dean doesn't always act like Dean here, and Sam isn't always Sam. It happens.
Thank you.
Enjoy! And please, feel free to add your own suggestions! ^_^
Ridiculous Furtive Lightning 1 Lightning 2 Squelch Square Specter Trace Impair Rustle River Sound Ecstatic Adept Exploit Release Protection Camping Attack Whittle Gamble Leather Kindness Relax Indulge Nightmare Apology Cold Heart Hesitate Misfortune Coffee Pride Lazy Secrets Protector Annoy
Massive thanks and immense gratitude to
sonnygrl11 for making the following banners:
Isn't she awesome guys? *loves*